Art For Hotels and Businesses

Sell Art in Your Establishment

Solution mainly for hotels and furnished apartment networks.

We propose you to hang accessible luxury paintings in your spaces and to offer the possibility to your customers via a dedicated application to buy the paintings that you will exhibit in your establishment.

The app won the innovation award of the Equip'hotel2018. We invented a unique system that allows you to buy and resell your works via a custom application at your establishment.

It is here to give a new experience to your customers around the Art and jointly bring a new source of income to your institution.

1. The establishment selects its private collection from a reserved catalogue to professionals.

2. You buy them with a discount compared to public prices.

3. You receive your order within 15 to 30 days and exhibits his works at the strategic locations of his establishment.

4. From 30 paintings ordered, we provide a free dedicated e-commerce site to offer for sale the works on display in the establishment and QR codes to deposit in the rooms.

5. The client flaunts the QR code with his mobile, accesses the private collection and order his paintings on the mobile site.

6. The customer is delivered his order to his home within 15 to 30 days without any intervention of the hotelier.

7. The hotel receives a commission of 25% on all the orders placed by its customers on its site.

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